Sunday, December 2, 2012

First Snow of the Winter

The first snow of this winter came rather late. While I don't prefer snow until November, the cold stuff didn't fly until nearly December! For almost all of my goat 'kids', snow is nothing new. Suzie Q was born in early February in the far north of Minnesota, so she's seen it before. But Bailey is a summer baby, so this was her first!

The snow was nothing more than a dusting, but it was enough to stick. I took Suzie and Yoko out on a walk in it1 Bailey is still a bit too skittish, but we're making progress!

She kept high stepping when she first walked out into the snow!

View of the back

Suzie Q on the adventure

Yoko taste tested the snow

 The dead grass is still taller than she is!

I love this picture of Yoko! 

Suzie Q briefly hopped onto the snow dusted boulder. 

And then took a flying leap! I wish I'd captured this shot at an angle that was not her rear end!
 She could hide pretty well in here, if she wanted to

Back at home, Bailey timidly accepting treats from my hand! Food always helps move things along!

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