Even after sharpening, a pair of metal hand shears were not worth the steel they are forged from. So I went to plan B. This included a pair of dog clippers I used on the Nigerians to give them a 'show clip'. They are not in any way meant for something as thick as wool or mohair! They worked, albeit very slowly. The clippers have a small cutting path, so it took many passes to get the job done.
Now she is much more comfortable without all that heavy fiber! Though she proved her displeasure at being shorn by doling out some bruising hits with her horns and hooves. In the end, she and I were both tired!
The day before being shorn
Look how naked she is now!
She looks like a sanaan goat without her fiber.
This look translates to "I hate you >:( "
In other news, I also sold Yoko's little buckling on Sunday. He went to a great home where he'll get a lot of love and great care! He'll be a herd sire when he grows up! I took these pictures the day before.
Aww, taking a nap.
They didn't fit so well when they tried to nurse. They weren't hitting up the milk parlor very often anymore, though. They prefer hay and grain like big goats!
The neighbor's pretty farm
The green is the excess tattoo ink. Tattooed ears are required for registration. My herd tattoo is YP3R. Makes sense when my herd name is Yooper!
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