Thursday, May 9, 2013

Summer Solstice Farms

Yesterday I went to visit Heidi of Summer Solstice Farms. While talking goat, I captured her goat gang relaxing and enjoying the spring warmth. It makes me glad I usually keep a camera in my pocket (not just the really bad quality one on my cell phone!), since they were being too cute!

Heidi keeps Alpine and Nigerian Dwarf goats. She has a great little herd! They're always ready for a good nose (or bum) scratch from any person they can get it from!

Most of the herd, taking a nap or chewing cud.

Everybody's names. Nougat recently had a date here with Tractor George!

 ChouChou (pronounced like shoe shoe, the footwear x 2) and her day old doeling, Miette!

This is Raita's little kid, Raan! 

Creamy using her daughter as a pillow. 

Even more adorable picture of Creamy using her daughter as a pillow! 

Not shown are Heidi's boys, Bucky and Trapper. They were busy roughhousing the entire time!

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